Gamal - traducción al alemán
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Gamal - traducción al alemán

Gamal (disambiguation)

n. Gamal
Gamal Abd al-Nasser         
  • Newsreel clip about Nasser and Quwatli's establishment of United Arab Republic
  • The signing of the regional defense pact between Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Syria and Jordan, January 1957. At the forefront, from left right: Prime Minister [[Sulayman al-Nabulsi]] of Jordan, King [[Hussein of Jordan]], King [[Saud of Saudi Arabia]], Nasser, Prime Minister [[Sabri al-Asali]] of Syria
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  • Government officials attending [[Friday prayer]]s at [[al-Azhar Mosque]], 1959. From left to right; Interior Minister [[Zakaria Mohieddin]], Nasser, Social Affairs Minister [[Hussein el-Shafei]] and National Union Secretary [[Anwar Sadat]]
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  • Youssef Seddik]], and Ahmad Shawki.
  • alt=The front side of a mosque with only one minaret containing a clock.
  • Nasser laughing at the Muslim Brotherhood for suggesting in 1953 that women should be required to wear the hijab and that Islamic law should be enforced across the country.
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  • Liberation organization in Alexandria invitation to Nasser speech 26 October 1954
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  • Nasser (right) and [[Mohamed Naguib]] (left) during celebrations marking the second anniversary of the 1952 revolution, July 1954
  • Nasser's funeral procession attended by five million mourners in Cairo, 1 October 1970
  • Nasser being sworn in for a second term as Egypt's president, 25 March 1965
  • Khaled]], son Abdel Hamid, and Nasser.
  • Arab League summit]] in Alexandria, September 1964. Ben Bella and Aref were close allies of Nasser.
  • mutual defense pact]], 30 May 1967
  • Leaders of Egypt following the ouster of King Farouk, November 1952. Seated, left to right: [[Sulayman Hafez]], [[Mohamed Naguib]] and Nasser
  • Amin al-Husayni]] of the [[All-Palestine Government]] in the foreground at the [[Bandung Conference]], April 1955
  • Nasser addressing the [[United Nations General Assembly]], 1960
  • Nasser giving a speech at the opening of the [[Suez Canal]]
  • Nasser waving to crowds in [[Damascus]], Syria, October 1960
  • Nasser and Naguib saluting at the opening of the [[Suez Canal]]
  • Nasser greeted by crowds in Alexandria one day after his announcement of the British withdrawal and the assassination attempt against him, 27 October 1954.
  • [[Anwar Sadat]] (left) and Nasser in the National Assembly, 1964. Sadat succeeded Nasser as president in 1970 and significantly departed from Nasser's policies throughout his rule.
  • Nasser before Yemeni crowds on his arrival to [[Sana'a]], April 1964. In front of Nasser and giving a salute is Yemeni President [[Abdullah al-Sallal]]
  • Nasser presenting prominent and blind writer [[Taha Hussein]] (standing in front of Nasser) with a national honors prize for literature, 1959
  • Nasser's announcement of the United Arab Republic, 23 February 1958
  • 1948 war]].
  • emergency Arab League summit]] in Cairo on 27 September 1970, one day before Nasser's death
  • Nasser speaking to a homeless Egyptian man and offering him a job, after the man was found sleeping below the stage where Nasser was seated, 1959
  • Nasser in a public speech in Cairo, 1970
  • Nasser waving to crowds in [[Mansoura]], 1960
  • Sound recording of 1954 assassination attempt on Nasser while he was addressing a crowd in Manshia, [[Alexandria]].
  • Nasser submitting his vote for the referendum of the proposed constitution, 23 June 1956
  • Nasser (center) with [[Ahmed Mazhar]] (left) in army, 1940
  • crisis in Lebanon]]. [[Akram al-Hawrani]] stands third to Nasser's left, and [[Abdel Hamid Sarraj]] stands to Chehab's right, March 1959.
  • Tripoli Airport]], 1969. Nimeiry and Gaddafi were influenced by Nasser's pan-Arabist ideas and the latter sought to succeed him as "leader of the Arabs".
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  • Abdel Moneim Riad]].
  • Nasser seated alongside Crown Prince [[Muhammad al-Badr]] of North Yemen (center) and Shukri al-Quwatli (right), February 1958. North Yemen joined the UAR to form the [[United Arab States]], a loose confederation.
  • Egyptian demonstrators protesting Nasser's resignation, 1967
  • Nasser raising the Egyptian flag over the [[Suez Canal]] city of [[Port Said]] to celebrate the final British military withdrawal from the country, June 1956
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  • [[Movietone newsreel]]s reporting Nasser's nationalization of the Suez Canal and both domestic and Western reactions
  • A video clip of Nasser's resignation speech
Gamal Abdul Nasser; Gamal Abdal Nasser; Gamel Abdel Nasser; Gamal Nasser; Gamal Abd al-Nasser; Gamal Abdel al- Nasser; Nasser, Gamal Abdel al-; Gemal Abdel Nasser; Gamal Abdel-Nasser; Abdel Gamal Nassar; Gamal Abd el-Nasser; Jamal Abdel Nasser; Gamal Abdu al-Nasser; Colonel Nasser; Nasser; جمال عبد الناصر; Gamel Abdel-Nasser; Gamal Abd El Nasser; Gamal Abd el Nasser; Gamal Abd El-Nasser; Jamal Abd al-Nasser; Jamal Abd Al-Nasir; Gamāl ‘Abd an-Nāṣir; Gamal ‘Abd an-Nasir; Gamal 'Abd an-Nasir; Gamal Abd an-Nasir; Jamal Abd al-Nasir; Gamal-Abdel Nasser; Gemal Abdul Nasser; Jamal 'Abd An-Nasser; Jamal Abdul Nassr; Jamal Abdul Nasir; Gamal Abdelnasser; Philosophy of the Revolution; Gamal Abdel Naser; Gamal Abden Naser; Gamal Abd el-Naser; Gamal Abd en-Naser; Gamal Abd el Naser; Gamal Abd en Naser; President Nasser; Gamal Abdel Nasser Hussein; Egypt's Liberation; Gamal Abdul Nasir; Gamal Abdel Nassar; Public image of Gamal Abdel Nasser
Gamal Abd al-Nasser (ehemaliger ägyptischer Präsident)
Gamal Abd el Nasser      
Gamal Abd el Nasser



Gamal (Arabic: جمال) is an Arabic surname and male given name. Notable people with this name إبراهيم ابومياله:

Ejemplos de pronunciación para Gamal
1. by Gamal Abdel Nasser.
Intellectual Arab Art _ Sultan Sooud Al Qassemi _ Talks at Google
2. Gamal Abdel Nasser here is shown as what?
Intellectual Arab Art _ Sultan Sooud Al Qassemi _ Talks at Google
3. This is the Kuwaiti painter depicting Gamal Abdel Nasser.
Intellectual Arab Art _ Sultan Sooud Al Qassemi _ Talks at Google
4. Now in the 1950s and 1960s, Gamal Abdel Nasser,
The House of Islam - A Global History _ Ed Husain _ Talks at Google
Ejemplos de uso de Gamal
1. Juli 1'56, ein Ende, als der ägyptische Staatspräsident Gamal Abdel Nasser die Gesellschaft handstreichartig verstaatlichte.
2. Gamal Mubarak, der Sohn des ägyptischen Präsidenten Mubarak, machte schon seinen Antrittsbesuch im Weißen Haus.
3. Neuen Auftrieb haben daher die Spekulationen erhalten, Gamal Mubarak könnte seinem 77 Jahre alten Vater nachfolgen.
4. US–Streitkräfte hatten in der Stadt Tikrit den sunnitischen Mufti Scheich Gamal Abdel Karim el–Dabban abgeführt.
5. Er ist unser aller Übervater", sagt der Schriftsteller Gamal al–Ghitani, einer der ältesten Freunde des Schriftstellers.